SEO Packages to fit any campaign.

increase sales, bar graph, increase web visitors, search engine optimization

All of our websites are search engine friendly. Computer Repair Orlando uses the latest techniques to make your business stand out on the internet.

SEO is often the trigger to finally updating an old website. SEO is far more than a pay-per-click campaign. The first rule is to not throw good money after bad. A new website means a chance for an updated look through pictures and graphic design, as well as cutting edge code generation and mobile friendly capabilities.

The next level is to launch an active web promotion campaign.

This is SEO, but it is more than Search Engine Optimization. It is an active web outreach to receive reviews, use social media, and engage many other local business empowerment websites. All of this comes together to help get you closer to the top of search results. Computer Repair Orlando can save you money and get superior results. The worse thing you can do is launch sporadic and expensive keyword pay-per-click campaigns, and other paid ad placements before doing the basics of SEO on your site first. Paid keyword and paid ad placements have their place, but they should used only after banding, colors, logo, and website optimization are all at tip-top shape to get the most out of your advertising dollar. In other words, we clear the land and pave the runway that'll get your website off the ground and on it's way.

Our sister site, Vista Computer Repair, is a great example of what we can do in a very competitive keyword market.

Some search terms are more popular than others, and the term, "computer repair orlando," is extremely competitive. Out of over 3 million hits for that search on Google, Vista Computer Repair was on Page 1 several times. The screen shots below demonstrate how we are routinely listed several times, on the first page alone:

custom database, interactive websitesTop of the page

custom database, interactive websitesThe rest of the first page of Google's search results. Circled in red are all of the hits for Vista Computer Repair on July 16, 2015. This ranking order fluctuates slightly, but this is basically how we are ranked WITHOUT bought ad space! We occasionally do buy limited ad space though. Why not?